Gandía: from the Simancas neighbourhood to the Xocolateres Square: an example of urban regeneration within the framework of the national Housing Plans


  • Jorge Hervás-Más Jefe de Servicio jurídico del Departamento de Urbanismo y Vivienda del Ayuntamiento de Gandía (Valencia). Profesor asociado del Departamento de Urbanismo de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia



Urban regeneration; Rehabilitation; Housing reform; Vulnerable neighborhoods, Financial grants, Gandia, State Housing Plan


Gandía has become one of the clearest and most relevant referents in the processes of urban regeneration and revitalization recently managed throughout Spain. In fact, the ducal city that already had a remarkable experience in the management of Integral Rehabilitation Areas (500 houses of the Porta Group) or in European Funds destined to the reform of vulnerable neighborhoods (Urban Program III in the neighborhoods of Beniopa, Santa Ana and Plaça Elíptica) now obtains an excellent result in the Urban Renewal Area of the neighborhood known as Simancas. The article therefore deals with an analysis of the actions carried out by the City Council of Gandía, together with the Generalitat Valenciana and the Ministry of Public Works within the framework of the national Housing Plans to renovate one of the most vulnerable areas and disadvantaged of the city. The comprehensive renovation has been carried by the instrument of a Regeneration and Urban Renewal Area Plan (ARRUS), including a 106-dwelling real estate complex built in the 1950s by the Obra Sindical del Hogar. This area of the city – that presented special and worrying conditions of physical degradation and social conflict- has been completely transformed through an ambitious urban renewal project that has received enormous praise and distinctions from different European Universities.


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How to Cite

Hervás-Más, J. (2020). Gandía: from the Simancas neighbourhood to the Xocolateres Square: an example of urban regeneration within the framework of the national Housing Plans. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(206).