Town and the country planning policy results in São Paulo


  • Jorge Wilheim


Política urbanística, São Paulo (Brasil)


The paper aims to set forth the achievements of Sao Paulo’s Secretariat for City and Municipal Planning during the period in which Marta Suplicy had the running of the same. Both the city and its administrating in 2001 being so badly run down, this endeavour came to be considered an all out drive for re-construction (governo de la reconstruccion). The situation called for even a rehabilitation of the l neighbourhood’s self esteem as a whole. In this situation, it fell to this secretariat (SEMPLA) to refurbish the system of town and country planning along with the entirety of the regulation for the same and this while furthering the process of decentralisation in 31 sub-prefectures by a drawing up regional planning schemes for each and every one of these as such within the overall terms of a Regional Planning Master Document.


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How to Cite

Wilheim, J. (2005). Town and the country planning policy results in São Paulo. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 37(145-6), 683–692. Retrieved from