The Science of «Urbanistics» Seen as a Social Science


  • Ramón Grau


Cerdà, Historia social, Historia del urbanismo, Proceso de urbanización


The paper states that the civil engineer, Ildefonso Cerda became a social scientist but does not wish to either applaud or reproach him for this but quite simply to observe this as a fact in the light of that man's writings rather than become involved in any nit-picking debate as to what does or might constitute the established frontiers of such a professional definition. The author wishes to establish him thus in order to find a valid historical perspective for Cerda in terms of the practical outcome of his work rather than to just place him chronologically and to do so because Cerda's Barcelona Ensanche has indeed become a reality in the terms in which its designer created it, a fact that has given rise to more breast-beating than most 19C. cultural manifestations outside strictly artistic ones. The author also insists that Cerda's work must be understood as part of its own times and thus judged, both for its ideas and values, within the limits of what held or could as yet be held back then.


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How to Cite

Grau, R. (1999). The Science of «Urbanistics» Seen as a Social Science. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (119-120), 135–143. Retrieved from


