«Cerda's influences on Urban Extension Plans»


  • Fabián Estapé


Cerdà, Doctrinas económicas, Socialismo, Historia del urbanismo


Given a figure of the stature of Cerda in the 19C., the author asks himself just who might have been the forefathers of this man's Utopian or Reformed Capitalist thought. He is felt to owe nothing to Charles Fourier (1772-1837) nor to his disciples Abreu or Cabet whereas Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Count of SaintSimon's ideology and doctrine are here thought to have spurred Cerda's vision of sublime science, scientific method and -this applied- technology. The promise of these, be it the potential for transport and good of steam or of applied statistics and hygiene for the poor, the possibility of making country-like the town and more urban the countryside, possibilities from which sprang his new science of urbanistics are here said to be in keeping with such an impulse.



How to Cite

Estapé, F. (1999). «Cerda’s influences on Urban Extension Plans». Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (119-120), 13–19. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/85559


