Territory and Town Planning in the Philippine Islands in 1898


  • Xavier Huetz de Lemps


Territorio, Urbanismo, Islas Filipinas


The paper tells us that the cities of the Philippine Islands were moulded by four centuries of colonial rule The period from 1565 to 1898 has been definitive in giving these cities their urban structure but more than anything else gave Manila its unarguable predominance in the archipelago's urban pecking order. For the author, these cities founded by the Spanish are in themselves interesting for the dialogue they represent between the models brought over from Spanish America and the modifications on them that the Philippine environment called for. The 19`h C. is here seen, at least for Manila, as being a period of intense modernisation, the subsequent American colonial period being here considered as but a continuing of that which had gone before. The paper concludes by mentioning the post 50s population explosion and the spilling ove r of the cities has given rise to new social and technical problems that, for the moment, have yet to be resolved.


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How to Cite

Huetz de Lemps, X. (1998). Territory and Town Planning in the Philippine Islands in 1898. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (116), 381–428. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/84505


