Shall We Overcome? The Unquiet Spirit. Thoughts on City and Territorial Planning for the End of a Millennium


  • Roberto Segre




For the author, this century's end must be a time for casting up accounts -debit and credit- as to the «isness» of our long suffering cities and metropolitan conurbations. An attempt is here made at a summary of the process of coming into being of the modern jerusalemscape. Mention is made of the models created for it and those paradigms that the pioneers of the inter-war period hammered out for it, of its crisis and collapse over the last fifty years.Grounding himself upon latin-american experience, he then makes as bold as to refute the thesis of the «death» of the city and indicates just how very alive traditional city centres can still be and how much this vitality still owes to an ancestral spanish urban heritage. In the teeth of a rampantly fashionable pessimism and defeatism common in some present day circles, he urges hope for both the city and society in the coming age.



How to Cite

Segre, R. (1998). Shall We Overcome? The Unquiet Spirit. Thoughts on City and Territorial Planning for the End of a Millennium. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (115), 85–101. Retrieved from


