New City and Territorial Planning Legislation in Andalusia in the wake of Constitutional Court Sentence 61/1997


  • Josefina Cruz Villalón


Legislación urbanística, Doctrina constitucional, Andalucía


The paper indicates that among all other autonomous regions, Andalusia is that which has done most to put into effect the City and Territorial planning promoted by the Reformed Text of 1992 and, consequently, the coming into force of STC 61/1997 found a good third of its city halls -and the largest and most dynamic of these at that- subject to overall planning drawn up in the light of the 1992 Act. The author argues that these circumstances were what led the Parliament of Andalusia to re-assume by means of Act 1/97 -but now as part of its own and proper legislation- those precepts that STC 61/1997 had declared nationally unconstitutional. She then states that a City, Territorial and Land Regulation Act is being drawn up to answer the end of this century's cultural, social, economic and environmental demands of this Community.



How to Cite

Cruz Villalón, J. (1997). New City and Territorial Planning Legislation in Andalusia in the wake of Constitutional Court Sentence 61/1997. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (113-114), 629–637. Retrieved from


