Distribution of E.U. funding in Spain (1986-1996)


  • Jordi Martí Henneberg


Fondos estructurales comunitarios


The paper argues that some have attempted to regionalize the E.U. budget and, amongst other areas, the 85% of the yearly whole represented by its structural and agricultural funds.The author has also observed a growing interest to know just how much is coming their way of the entire national and even E.U. pay-out on the part of the regions in those states where these enjoy an established identity. The paper argues the difficulties to establishing by research any such regional net benefits and uses the case of Spain and the agricultural and cohesion funding she receives to demonstate his point. The author holds that the only worthwhile research into the matter would be in terms of aims accomplished in terms of the community as a whole and never in those ofa specific region's home perspectives.



How to Cite

Martí Henneberg, J. (1997). Distribution of E.U. funding in Spain (1986-1996). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (111), 101–114. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/84379


