"González del Castillo as a theoretician and active voice in favour of the Linear City"


  • José Ramón Alonso Pereira


Ciudades Lineales, González del Castillo, Hilarión


The paper informs us that its subject, along with Arturo Soria and many others who favoured the linear cit y as a ideological, social and city and territorial planning option and whose thinking manifested itself in th e Ciudad Lineal of Madrid were true sons of Spain's Generation of'98 in that their fresh approach as to sellin g their ideas and putting these into effect in that project for Madrid could well be seen as the architects'an d planners' major contribution to all that the ferment of that generation's will to advance the nation has com e to represent. Hilarión González del Castillo (1896-1941), polymath, diplomat and expert in jurisprudence i s here held up as standing first amongst his peers of this generation in his efforts to further the idea of the linear city both nationally and internationally, thus removing the project from its merely parochial scope an d relevance and raising it to the status of a city and territorial concept with equal validity wherever plannin g was to be made.



How to Cite

Alonso Pereira, J. R. (1997). "González del Castillo as a theoretician and active voice in favour of the Linear City". Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (111), 49–63. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/84375


