On space and post-modernity. A reflection from the Northamerican experience


  • Joaquín Casariego Ramírez


This article attempts an approach to contemporary space by putting it into context within what has been called post-modern or latter-day modem culture. To do so, the analysis draws upon several works undertaken in the main on American experience. First the analysis sets out to explain those basic terms which will themselves so define it,these along with that common ground which links it to Philosophy, Economics and things cultural. What space does - and urban space in particular - is considered not as an independent variable within this general context to the end of showing its most salient characteristics by means of an interpreting of recent analysis upon the present-day metropolis.



How to Cite

Casariego Ramírez, J. (1995). On space and post-modernity. A reflection from the Northamerican experience. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (106), 877–896. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/84097


