Sustained development. From the global to the local


  • José Allende Landa


The notion of Sustained Development (SD) is felt to be handled of late in an arbitrary and confused manner be this from a variety of political standpoints or even scientific idem. The paper examines use made of the SD notion and to do so reviews the reports and proposals of various recognized regional and international bodies that incorporate it in their workings. Within this framework and a critical analysis of the same, S.D. is then analyzed as to its application to the various levels of territorial application and the suggestion made that it could best be set to work at a local level without any waiting upon its being better elucidated through further theoretical debate. The paper as to this advocates for the local as being that field where in the search for and putting into effect of SD indicators are best transformed into a top priority goal in the advancing of SD. It is likewise held that through its application at this level territorial administering would gain renewed strength and act as a trainer upon which a new vision of Growth could be husbanded to flourish. The paper sees the possible forwarding of territorial administering and a strategic evaluation of enviromental impact, along with a broadening of the concept of what that environment is as being crucial issues proper to the understanding and putting into effect of SD at a local or regional level.



How to Cite

Allende Landa, J. (1995). Sustained development. From the global to the local. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (104), 267–281. Retrieved from


