City planning in the Pamplona metropolitan area during the 80's and 90's


  • Pau Serra del Pozo


The paper opens by stating that both city planning and its tangible results during the 80s and 90s as within the Pamplona Metropolitan Area represent a counterpoint to the same activities during the 50s, 60s and 70s. It is here held that this change in urbanistic attitudes has been made patent through the construction of new residential areas where the quality of their design and a pains-taking attention to their surroundings render this apparent. However. two years after the termination of the "rondas" (ring roads) that encircle the greater part of Pamplona's urban continuum there still remains a call for a General Urban Planning Scheme for the Pamplona Area, and this after nigh thirty years of attempts to draw one up.The main object of this document commissioned by the Navarra Autonomic Government for 1994 is seen to be the definition of any future metropolitan model.



How to Cite

Serra del Pozo, P. (1994). City planning in the Pamplona metropolitan area during the 80’s and 90’s. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (99), 115–126. Retrieved from


