Upon a true liberalization of the land market. The split in land ownership rights in an advanced society


  • Javier García-Bellido García de Diego


The tendency towards the oligopolic holding of both built up area property and developable land is here seen to be due to the proper nature of these as such but also to that imposed particularity that both suffer from as a consequence of the exclusive nature of planning's land usage allocations. The will to overcome the bounds set upon any advanced capitalist development by such a monopoly-bred lack cannot ground itself upon a wholesale re-classification of land as apt for building nor on compulsory purchase nor yet upon a specific fining of he who ignores the limits set upon his activity. The so called reciprocating "social function of ownership", it is her held, must be seen as enjoying a twofold nature in which the added economic consideration that building upon it would give, is not a thing inherant as within basic property rights: a seperation thus exists as between this assumed ideological unity's two parts, as between the right to own it and the duty to transform it. It is thus necessary that the door be opened to any free market play as to the acquiring of building rights in so much as governmental choice, at any level, is to be made by an asking for free tenders and a taking up of such as offer the best prices, quality of work and are most in the public interest, this being, when all is said and done, the only valid yardstick herfor a properly understood development allowance utility. Having established this, its arguemental core, the paper goes on to structure solutions and draw the limits that such a liberating recasting of traditional property rights would stretch to, seeing such an initiative as being the unarguable first step towards ally breaking of the trammels put by nineteenth century thought upon ownership.



How to Cite

García-Bellido García de Diego, J. (1993). Upon a true liberalization of the land market. The split in land ownership rights in an advanced society. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (95-96), 175–198. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/83870


