Rural and urban land administration in the Aragonese Autonomic Community


  • Rafael Fernández de Alarcón Herrero


Aragon's paper goes into the present day state of its actual land administration objectives to afterwards go on to consider what might be its future objectives as to city planning in the comming century. Here it argues more for a restoring and/or reusing of urban ground space than the further spread of this. The paper, furthermore, sets out to fix the meaning of "Ordenación del territorio" (Regional Planning) here mentioning some new administrative instruments passed to make the achieving of this same more feasible albeit in the light of a more co-ordinated handling of the issue as among the various sorts of public administration concerned with the matter. The paper goes into the proper characteristics of the Autonomous Community and those most recent administrative measures there passed to favour a putting into effect of the programmes embodied in its Regional Planning as to Town and Country planning.



How to Cite

Fernández de Alarcón Herrero, R. (1993). Rural and urban land administration in the Aragonese Autonomic Community. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (95-96), 41–51. Retrieved from


