Some Refexions on Drawing up a Study Scheme to be Part of an Architecture Degree Syllabus


  • Jorge A. Togneri


The paper maintains that our world is no were sum of isolated phenomena but rather one of inter-feeding structures that, in being thus, are what give it its shape. Our present lack of a sufficient degree of inter-disciplinary Knowledge is lamented here, especially so in the light of the crying call for both research and conceptual models equal to the task of answering to all too many of the deep seated ills our world is still heir to. This need is at the least as old as the city itself and yet still as far from being met as ever it was. Poverty, Drivelessness, Ignorance and Prejudice still tangle all. It is here felt that such aged ills can but be met with that ethical duty of contributing towards the awakening of those who must then take steps towards putting an end to that Poverty and attendant ignorance and prejudice that blights their lives. The paper, structured around a transformation process for a University Faculty, hopes to show how and by the use of which tools it is possible to come to an understanding and then go on to a bettering of a complex slice of reality. It is felt that the method could be applied, analogically, to other circumstances.



How to Cite

Togneri, J. A. (1991). Some Refexions on Drawing up a Study Scheme to be Part of an Architecture Degree Syllabus. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (90), 111–117. Retrieved from