The subjective centre of the city of Valencia, the perception of this, its delimiting and the characterization of a city's heart


  • Josep Vicent Boira Maiques


The paper sets forth the findings of a study undertaken to discover what the subjective heart of the City of Valencia might be seen as being. These were the drawn up from a poll taken amongst the people of three districts of the city to uncover what this «centre» might be for them. The home district of the people polled is held here to have been the determining factor in play. The mental ' maps» offered by the subjects have been projected by the use of an automatized cartography by which isoleptic and three-dimensional images of their ways of seeing can be reproduce. These images highlight the importance that the River Turia's original course and the late gothic part of the cityscape have for the people interviewed. In its conclusions the paper is at pains to contrast its findings with those gleaned from similar studies carried through in other spanish cities.


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How to Cite

Boira Maiques, J. V. (1991). The subjective centre of the city of Valencia, the perception of this, its delimiting and the characterization of a city’s heart. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (90), 69–80. Retrieved from