The Inter-territorial Compensating Fund (FCI) and Spain's most recent official regional plannig thinking


  • Laureano Lázaro Araujo


The paper goes into those reasons that have brought about a reform of the FCI as it had worked prior to 1989. It then details the principle features of the new FCI. The major weakness of the original fun d 's workings is seen to have been its having been born of a need to finance the day to day calls for monies of the then new Autonomous Regional Governments whereas it should have been an instrument of inter-regional adjustment policies. The mechanism governing the distribution of funding proper to the FCI's first model led in time to a slighting of the less advanced regions. This to a great extent was due to an importance then ascribed to savings sent home to these backward areas by their emigrant workers, savings that ceased to come back home inthe economic crisis of the '70s. The new FCI has been designed to answer the calls of both regional policy making and that regional solidarity the Constitution requires it to support. The mayor change it makes is a cutting down of its field of operations to cover only the less favoured Autonomous Regions. Its working methods have likewise been brought into line with those of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). All this notwithstanding, it is here held that even the new FCI is not without its drawbacks and it could well be that factors not at present borne in mind when drafting it could well prove to be its undoing when the moment comes for handing its monies out.



How to Cite

Lázaro Araujo, L. (1991). The Inter-territorial Compensating Fund (FCI) and Spain’s most recent official regional plannig thinking. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (90), 13–24. Retrieved from