Lima: an experience of alternative urban management


  • Marta Rosa de Llona


The subject of urban development in Peru has come under question in the last year, with strong criticism of the models and proposals which previously influenced the understanding of the problem. The experiences of municipal governments and a revaluation of local areas have led to a reformulating of points of view on development. This revaluation has further led to the questioning of the concepts which gave the State a role as a centralized and centralizing controller of development functions and resources. Lima's municipal government of 1984-86 is part of the process of struggle to institionalize local governments as motors for development. This role is still a goal to be achieved and the on going conflict with the state on the issue of interference in functions is, and continues to be, a constant factor in decision making as to urban tasks.


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How to Cite

Rosa de Llona, M. (1991). Lima: an experience of alternative urban management. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (86-87), 145–163. Retrieved from