What the 80s allowed in city planning: the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires as a case in point


  • Nora Clichevsky


The different standpoints from which the city planning process for Buenos Aires was undertaken are seen to have been all frustrated by the deepening of the economic crisis. A planning that cannot face down those economic and city utilies problems as must crop up could hardly be expected to overcome just those questions of administrative ward making and physical parcelling out that figured amongst their original objectives. Be this as it may, the lack of local government funds has led to cut backs for publicy funded works inthe city. Given the almost null capacity of those local bodies existing to channel the population's needs, many services have become privatized. This, however, has given rise to yet other social problems that have led to a call for-means- other than private ones to be used in resolving calls for basic necessities, these «means» to incorporate the affected in their workings.


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How to Cite

Clichevsky, N. (1991). What the 80s allowed in city planning: the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires as a case in point. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (86-87), 87–98. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/83708