Urban and architectural meanings in the evolution of Spanish-andine cities


  • Alfredo Lozano Castro


A host of studies, papers, speeches, theses and what you will on-The Spanish-American City» seem to agree that the founding of these answered something akin to a wish to set up forms of civilized life amongst the native population and that thus these represent a cultural gift of the Old to the New World. Though this idea has been taken up by certain sectors of Ibero-American thinking of Iate, one or two doubts as to its validity could still be raised, or so the paper claims. Has it in fact ever been put to the proof in terms of the immensity of the americas in such a way that such an examination could offer some hard and fast conclusions, we are asked? Does it answer to that stake of affairs that our knowledge of pre-hispanic civilizations allows us now to understand? this mos especially when considering the andine culture as then bodied forth in the last flowering of Inca cultures evolution in autarchy. Was this culture orgainized in a territorial way? The paper, based as it is on the author's own experience, offers answers to these questions that take the Hispano-Andine cities of Equador as their touch stones.



How to Cite

Lozano Castro, A. (1990). Urban and architectural meanings in the evolution of Spanish-andine cities. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (85), 105–126. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/83695