The cadastral survey and local town and country information systems


  • Jordi Guimet Pereña


The present day upsurge as within the world of town and country information services (SIT) at local government level is bringing about a crop of valuable innovations in the way that these are being harnessed for use. The Cadastral Survey Management Centre has been a front runner in the spanish adaption of SIT, its own informatic cadastral resources serving as a reference support for those local government bodies as have taken up an information system of this sort. The SIT for the Cadastral Survey as used by the Management Centre for this is here detailed as is its future usefulness at a local government level explored.



How to Cite

Guimet Pereña, J. (1990). The cadastral survey and local town and country information systems. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (84), 93–99. Retrieved from