Of the law and inequality in the cities of the third world


  • Jorge Enrique Hardoy


The writers hold to a close study of the city in the Third World and two determining of this: Porverty and a Lack of any Democratic Traditions. The first is held to lead to the soaring uncontrolled ob quotas found here; the second to data that cannot thus be relied upon even though its equivalent in our circumstances still can be. The attempt to transplant institutional models from the First to the Third World, besides its many other defeats, is also shown to have failed when applied to a control of ground space, especially with reference to urbanism. The paper holds that a possible method of meeting this situation might be found through the aiding, councilling and advising of extra-legal «Urbanizcrs».


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How to Cite

Hardoy, J. E. (1989). Of the law and inequality in the cities of the third world. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (81-82), 157–166. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/83639