Tartessos : The city and its placement (An analytic reconstruction based on documents and the geography of the area) .


  • Alberto Porlan


This paper sets out the single-handed research undertaken by the author over a period of five years so as to determine the site of the ancient city of Tartessos. His studies are based on the contrasting of ancient documental evidence and the geographical characteristics of the atlantic coast of Andalusia. Beginning from a set of distances that can be drawn from the principal document dealing with Tartessos, Ora Maritima, the author delimits tartessian territory and hazards a siting for its first city and in doing this brings to light for the first time a map drawn up four centuries ago by Abraham Ortellius in which the author's distances find an echo. Next he describes how he combed the coastline in search for another siting that could have server for Tartessos and of how he failed to find such a place that would meet the requirements of the descriptions contained in the documentary evidence he had consulted



How to Cite

Porlan, A. (1989). Tartessos : The city and its placement (An analytic reconstruction based on documents and the geography of the area) . Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (79), 3–24. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/83592