The borough of Ocharcoaga (1959-1964) over half a century later.

Lights and shades of a developmental quarter




Quarter of Ocharcoaga; Bilbao; Rationalist urbanism; CIAM; Building types


In 1959 a residential estate was set up in Ocharcoaga, Bilbao, by the initiative of the nation. In this place, a new quarter would be built, housing 3.676 dwellings and a lot of service buildings. The architects took up approaches of the Athens Charter, as well as the rationalist approaches of the Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne. Meanwhile, the resolution of the buildings was carried out in accordance with the criteria of the “existence mínimum”, the economy and the sun exposure conditions. The object of this article is, first, to identify the influences under which the Project was developed, second, to demonstrate the dialectical relationship between the layout of the blocks and the will to preserve the characteristics of the land, and finally, to observe that despite being innovative building types, they construction did not imply the incorporation of new systems



How to Cite

Varela-Alonso, M., & Etxepare-Igiñiz, L. (2020). The borough of Ocharcoaga (1959-1964) over half a century later.: Lights and shades of a developmental quarter. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(205), 559–574.