The impact of infrastructures for vertical mobility in the quality of life of elderly people: the case study of Pamplona.




Population older than 64 years, Age-friendly cities, Vertical urban mobility infraestructure (VUMI), Quality of life


The paradigm of active aging requires the attention to an increasingly elder population. Regarding this, “age-friendly cities” seek to optimize the use of urban spaces in order to improve the quality of life for ageing population. This work is part of a project that analyzes the impact of vertical mobility infrastructures on the daily life of the elderly living in neighborhoods with topographic slopes. The project employs a qualitative methodology and consists of a case-study of the city of Pamplona (Spain). The data was obtained through in-depth interviews and focus groups. The main results show that vertical urban mobility infrastructures improve the accessibility of people with reduced mobility, enhance urban permeability and generate positive changes in both urban fabric and uses.


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How to Cite

Montoro-Gurich, C., & Moreno-Tapia, C. (2021). The impact of infrastructures for vertical mobility in the quality of life of elderly people: the case study of Pamplona. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 53(209).