Home mobility and social change: Nuevo Batten


  • Mario Fraile de Manterola Maestro


The minor community of Nuevo Batzán in the Province of Madrid is here studied as a paradigmatic case in point taking it to represent an organizing focal point as within space by very nature disorganized, that is, agricultural. This organizing function of the town is by no means-of necessity a: rationalizing one. It is well known that Industry inevitably chooses the most fertile a ground to set up on. A simila r process but in terms of the second house business is taking place in Nuevo Batzán where drawn by the prestige given the place by the quality and historical importance of its 300 year old centre. Real estate agents have found a field offering the richest of harvests.



How to Cite

Fraile de Manterola Maestro, M. (1988). Home mobility and social change: Nuevo Batten. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (78), 65–74. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/82739