Urbanism and its problems with Spanish Cultural Heritage Act: A call for the urgent pushing through of régional legislation


  • Javier García-Bellido


The Cultural Heritage Act of 1985 is studied in those of its features that touch upon local competencies in general and then with special attention to these when affecting such controls upon spatial planning and urbanism in particular, these latter being amongst this law's most salient innovations. Despite these advances, the cross purposes as betwenn laws as to Urbanism and idem as to Cultural Heritage bear witness-to the continued existance of the many incongruencies still to be resolved. It is here held that these could be best met and should be so, during the development of that corpus of law that would go to make up what must perforce be called Autonomous Regional law. The paper rounds itself off by claiming that the greater part of these loggerhead situations are but the product of the over-rigid formulation of the elements, details and relationships in question which can make of but a single space or object a multiplicity of mutually waning legal entities, thus making the task of urban and planning control many times more difficult than it needs be.



How to Cite

García-Bellido, J. (1988). Urbanism and its problems with Spanish Cultural Heritage Act: A call for the urgent pushing through of régional legislation. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (78), 3–22. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/82735