The PERI or Special Inner City Reform Plan for Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Planning against the Odd


  • Germán J . Delgado Pérez


The Special Inner City Reform Plan for Santa Cruz de Tenerife, brought in 1982 was intended to transform a city centre that had suffered the mayhem of creeping speculative re-building. It set out to clear up those imprecisions and omissiones inherant in a plan as to volumes that had been in force since 1957 as this allowed for any sort of transformation. The paper details the drawing up of this Special Plan and mentions the technical and legal professionals involved in this process. It goes on to set out the aims it was hoped to satisfy and then ends by explaining how teeth were drawn by legalistic quibbles as to form, quibbles backed by the owners of the real estate in question. At present the General Plan for the city now being drawn up makes its own many of the guide lines basic to this previous attempt at giving a progressive city planning a legal basis.


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How to Cite

Delgado Pérez, G. J. . (1988). The PERI or Special Inner City Reform Plan for Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Planning against the Odd. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (77), 83–88. Retrieved from