The squares of Las Palmas : Their reformation during the restoration of the monarchy (1874-1924)


  • Rosario Alemán Hernández


One of the most defining phenomena of the city of Las Palmas during the Restoration Period (1874-1924) was the reform of public squares of the historical city, the quarters of Vegueta and Triana within the old urban walled space. With these reforms, the town-center shifted from the Santa Ana Square, the political, religions and administrative center since the early sixteenth century to «La Alameda-Cairasco» and «La Plazuela», a group of public spaces which, thus, sed their previous scatological image and became a second center to the historical center. These reforms pushed out from here, the banks of the «Barranco Guiniguada» to the «parque San Telmo» on the very edge of the northern wall.


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How to Cite

Alemán Hernández, R. (1988). The squares of Las Palmas : Their reformation during the restoration of the monarchy (1874-1924). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (77), 31–40. Retrieved from