Bank offices location in Madrid


  • Agustín Gámir Orueta


In the last decades the number of bank offices in Madrid have undergone a great increase. This work researches the evolution of the number bank offices between 1928 and 1985, at seven specific dates (1928, 1934, 1950, 1960, 1974, 1979 and 1985), relating it to the population and per capita income increases and some specific legislation. Furthermore, the spatial diffusion of these financial offices in the urban landscape is analized, and the concret emplacement of the bank offices for each date is shown, thus pointing out how the financial centre of city has been moved away from. For the last three years a city district has been made analysis giving some patherns as to the present distribution and placing of this kind of office in Madrid



How to Cite

Gámir Orueta, A. (1987). Bank offices location in Madrid. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (70), 93–111. Retrieved from