The State's Role in the Industrialization of Rural Areas: The Coast of Lugo


  • Luis Sanz Menéndez


This article discusses the role of the state in promoting industrialization processes in rural areas. It begins with an analysis of the common assumption (in state policy as well as in some theoretical schools of economic development) that considers industrialization, to be the only way of achieving economic development. The second part analyzes the regional development policy of the Spanish Government in the 70's, especially its role in the development of such backward areas as Galicia (GAEIG). It studies the fiscal and economic, aid, grants and other kinds of official support for those companies who set up factories in the coastal area of Lugo (Northwest of Spain) . All these analyses refer to one five year period. The article concludes that the State has promoted and supported capital accumulation, specially in some capital intensive sector and some companies, and has always protected the interests of hegemonic groups of capital


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How to Cite

Sanz Menéndez, L. (1986). The State’s Role in the Industrialization of Rural Areas: The Coast of Lugo. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (68), 53–69. Retrieved from