Metaphors of modernity: Mario Pani in Mexico




Metaphors, Urban models, Modernity, Visionaries


The metaphor is a rhetorical figure used to make a phenomenon understandable by means of images of another order that allow it to be represented. If we consider that cities are human settlements immersed in complex functional and environmental systems, it would be reasonable for them to have been represented by analogies and biological metaphors throughout the history of urbanism. Examining the references used to explain the functioning of cities in the first half of the twentieth century, we find that the Mexican Mario Pani (1911-1993) is among the important urbanists who used organic metaphors. He would consolidate himself as one of the most advanced exponents of urban planning ideas of modernity and as responsible for having designed urban solutions that tried to solve the growth of the so-called urban sprawl.




How to Cite

Valenzuela-Aguilera, A. (2020). Metaphors of modernity: Mario Pani in Mexico. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(204), 295–306.