We take our parents with us! Intergenerational housing In der Wiesen, 1230, Viena.


  • Franziska Ullmann Architecta, Profesora Universidad de Stuttgart




Social housing, Intergenerational housing, Care for the Elder, City of short distances, Vienna


The paper starts making a general reflection on the current premises of demographic development, population ageing, care provision, etc., which is subsequently applied in various urban planning and design projects, carried out in the city of Vienna. The Frauenwerkstadt-Frauenwerkstatt project explores the gender perspective in urban design and housing construction, exploring the perspective of “caregivers” and security through the concept of “social eyes” first developed by Jane Jacobs. The projects “In der Wiesen” (“In the meadow”), “Generationenwohnen” (“Intergenerational Accommodation”) and “Wir nehmen unsere eltern mit!” (“We take our parents with us!”) delve the previous ideas into the urban planning and architectural design levels, further exploring new concepts such as inclusive accommodation for several generations in the same building, the walkable city of short distances, etc.


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How to Cite

Ullmann, F. (2020). We take our parents with us! Intergenerational housing In der Wiesen, 1230, Viena. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(203), 121–138. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2020.203.10