Gender and urban planning in the Valencian experience


  • Carmen Antequera-Verdeguer Directora de la Mesa de Género de la Conselleria de Vivienda, Obras Públicas y Vertebración del Territorio. Generalitat Valenciana



Gender mainstreaming, Urban planning, Housing, Regional government, Mobility


This article describes the experience of integrating the gender perspective in urban planning in the Valencian Autonomous Community. This process was begun in 2015 by the Department of Housing, Public Works and Vertebration of the Territory (CVOPVT), where a high level Gender Bureau was constituted, from the very beginning of the legislature and at the initiative of the Consellera Mª José Salvador. This Bureau has the mandate to work the competences of the department with a gender perspective, in collaboration with the equality unit of the CVOPVT. It is a multidisciplinary group that pursues an approach to the competences of the Conselleria from the experience of women, who historically have had little participation in the design of the city and territory. With the creation of the Bureau, it was decided to explore and address -at the highest level- the gender perspective in housing, the city, the territory and mobility. This article describes the process of implementation and application of these policies.


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How to Cite

Antequera-Verdeguer, C. (2020). Gender and urban planning in the Valencian experience. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 52(203), 71–78.