Building the metropolitan city: residential segregation and urban policies in the metropolitan area of Barcelona


  • Oriol Nello Colom


Urban segretation, housing market, public policies, metropolitan dynamics


The article analyses the relation between the metropolitanization process and the residential segregation in the metropolitan area of Barcelona during the last decades. The work is divided into four sections. In the first, the main features of the metropolitan process in Barcelona and its surroundings during the last fifty years are exposed. The characteristics of residential segregation in this area are detailed later, with special reference to its evolution in the period immediately before and after the start of the 2008 economic crisis. Third, the issue of the housing market is analysed, as a key for understanding segregation dynamics. Finally, the last section explains the main public policies developed in the last two decades in the field of urban rehabilitation: the “Llei de Barris de Catalunya” and the “Pla de Barris de Barcelona”. The paper is completed by a few brief conclusions and an extensive bibliography.



How to Cite

Nello Colom, O. (2018). Building the metropolitan city: residential segregation and urban policies in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 50(198), 697–715. Retrieved from