Urban growth, real estate crises and metropolitan planning in Spain


  • José María Feria Toribio


Urban growth, economic crises, planning, Spanish metropolitan areas


The aim of this paper is to supply some conceptual and empirical references for a better understanding of the growth and crises process of the entire Spanish metropolitan system. For that purpose, the paper presents an analysis focused on the metropolitan areas over 500.000 inhabitants, dealing with the basic dimensions and characteristics of urban growth and, particularly, with housing construction. Being the temporal reference the period 1990-2010, the interpretation of empirical data and its linkage to relevant sociodemographic variables- such as residential mobility and foreign migrationoffer some insights about the intensity of the process and its subsequent crises. The results show the structural and systemic character of the massive process of urbanization and real state growth in the Spanish metropolitan areas during the period. This fact -together with the general inexistence or ineffectiveness of a metropolitan planning framework- contributed to worsen the spatial, environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the crises.



How to Cite

Feria Toribio, J. M. (2018). Urban growth, real estate crises and metropolitan planning in Spain. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 50(198), 651–669. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/76692