The Urban Regeneration Strategy in Castilla y León (ERUCyL)


  • Miguel Fernández-Maroto
  • Enrique Rodrigo González


Urban regeneration, integrated approach, urban strategies, Castilla y León


The Urban Regeneration Strategy in Castilla y León was conceived as an instrument
to guide the actions of urban rehabilitation, regeneration and renewal in this Comunidad
Autónoma, through three main mechanisms: analysis of urban tissues and diagnosis of needs,
to define priority areas for intervention; guidelines for good practice, to promote quality in the
actions and their positive effect in the whole city; and management criteria, to coordinate the
action of the involved administrations. The aim is therefore to promote an integrated approach
to urban regeneration policies and their management.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Maroto, M., & Rodrigo González, E. (2018). The Urban Regeneration Strategy in Castilla y León (ERUCyL). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 50(196), 375–383. Retrieved from