The District of El Cabanyal-Canyameral of Valencia. History and future


  • Jorge Hervás Más


Cabanyal-Canyameral, urban regeneration, Special Urban Plan of Area Renewal, urban, plunder


The history of El Cabanyal-Canyameral of Valencia and its Historical Area responds to one
of the social and urbanistic conflicts with greater media repercussion, which occurred during the
last century in Europe, especially due to the Special Urban Plan of Area Renewal (PEPRI) and the
proposal for the extension of the Avenida Blasco Ibañez. In fact, this new street was conceived as
an intervention proposal of a grand boulevard and a structuring axis which involved extensive
demolitions, approximately 217 buildings in the version of 2001 and 196 in that of 2014, in an area
with a high level of heritage protection. The article incorporates a historical analysis of El Cabanyal,
which explains the main episodes that have affected, in one way or another, the urbanistic growth
of the district and its current urban morphology. Since the continual and systematic fires which
occurred in this area, the incidence of the extension work on the port of Valencia and its effect on
the coast line or the presence of the railway lines and their conditioning on the development of the
district. Moreover, the study also starts from the important role, which Judges and Courts have had
in drafting a solvent case law which has been extrapolated to the National Superior Court and to
the other Superior Courts of the Autonomous Communities. This is why the article also focuses on
the judicial pronouncements which have affected the the Special Urban Plan of Area Renewal, from
the decisions which have quadrupled the value of the expropriations to the recognition of the
plundering of the historical artistic heritage, under the full conviction that Urbanism is also created
by judicial decisions. Finally, the text analyses the new scenario produced in El Cabanyal after the
derogation of the PEPRI (Special Urban Plan of Area Renewal), from the new measures of urbanistic,
architectonic and social nature, without ignoring the imprecisions and distrust which irremediably
accompany so many years of paralysation.


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How to Cite

Hervás Más, J. (2017). The District of El Cabanyal-Canyameral of Valencia. History and future. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 49(191), 81–97. Retrieved from


