Private Renting as Social Housing in Spain


  • Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway
  • Teresa Sánchez-Martínez


Private rental, social housing, crisis, vulnerability


Spain’s property market is characterised by having a tenancy system that is skewed
towards ownership, to the detriment of the rental market, and in particular social housing, which
has been totally neglected and is now merely residual. The world economic and financial crisis has
had highly negative effects on the Spanish economy, creating an unstable framework for employment
and growth. To this we must add the considerable social conflict that has arisen because of the lack
of affordable housing, as evidenced by the increase in evictions and the number of people who are
homeless. Our hypothesis considers the private rental market to be operating as a provider of social
housing in Spain. To confirm this idea, statistics from the ECV and EU-SILC is cited, as well as other
data published by the Bank of Spain, the CGPJ and other entities. This data shows that low-income
households are being absorbed by the private rental sector, even though this option worsens or at
least does not improve the affordability issues, as a high proportion of income must be allocated to
housing services. In view of the findings of this study, several recommendations for housing policy
are made.



How to Cite

Pareja-Eastaway, M., & Sánchez-Martínez, T. (2016). Private Renting as Social Housing in Spain. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 48(189), 383–397. Retrieved from


