Recovering the Periphery: Energy Rehabilitation of Ciudad de los Ángeles in Madrid


  • D. Morcillo Álvarez
  • C. Arjona Martín
  • N. Martín Acosta


Rehabilitation, social housing, energy efficiency, Ciudad de Los Ángeles (Madrid)


The building of the Ciudad de los Ángeles area in Madrid began in 1950. Located on the
outskirts of the city, with a design corresponding to the Modernist Movement, its construction was
driven by low production costs, as it was intended to house the working class associated with
nearby industry. The condition of the open space and buildings led the it to be declared an Full
Rehabilitation Area in 2006. Since then the remodelling of the buildings and public spaces has been
undertaken according to the criteria set out in the State Housing Plan 2005-2008. As the
neighbourhood was built before any energy standards were approved, the rehabilitation has
focused on adapting the containers to achieve a reduction in the demand for energy. The first results
of the research in progress suggest that public and private investment is indeed useful and that the
building systems used are indeed valid. Theoretical research provides data to show that a significant
reduction in the demand for energy has been achieved with the measures adopted.


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How to Cite

Morcillo Álvarez, D., Arjona Martín, C., & Martín Acosta, N. (2016). Recovering the Periphery: Energy Rehabilitation of Ciudad de los Ángeles in Madrid. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 48(187), 57–76. Retrieved from


