The Gran Valencia Administrative Corporation (1947-1986)


  • Juan Ramón Selva Royo


Town planning, administrative corporation, metropolitan area, country planning, Valencia (Spain)


This research studies the metropolitan development of the city of Valencia (Spain) carried
out by the Gran Valencia Administrative Corporation, a special entity that was born after the approval
of the first district management plan (1946), and one of which few monographic studies have been
undertaken. Ever since it was created and up to the present day, through various administrative
formats and with varying degrees of success, the supramunicipal approach to urban development
in the town of Turia has not been abandoned. Addressing the vicissitudes of the first of these
entities (which existed for nearly forty years), the paper explores the historical and morphological
evolution of its territory through an original graphical synthesis. By compiling its documentary
background, which is still dispersed across various archives, it has also been possible to carry out
a critical assessment of the work of the Gran Valencia Technical Office, thus contributing towards
recognition of one of the pioneering administrative entities for urban planning in Spain.


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How to Cite

Selva Royo, J. R. (2015). The Gran Valencia Administrative Corporation (1947-1986). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 47(185), 463–479. Retrieved from


