Metropolitan regions historic centres and cultural heritage. The UK case


  • John Pendlebury
  • Kondrad Miciukiewicz


Historic centres, cultural heritage, conservation, York, United Kingdom


In recent decades in the UK, conservation objectives have been important in place-making
in many different types of settlement. For the cities at the heart of metropolitan regions, nineteenth
century built heritage became the locus for new investment and regeneration programmes. In older
and smaller historic settlements, tourism developed and sub-regional roles, such as acting as
dormitories for bigger cities, were reinforced. In the wake of the 2008 crash the biggest challenge
facing the long-term management of historic centres of all types is public sector austerity and the
diminished capacity of local authorities to strategically and effectively manage place. In this paper,
after briefly outlining the geography and governance arrangements of the UK, we describe the
history in the UK for planning for the historic city and the way that heritage has been used
increasingly instrumentally to achieve other economic and policy goals. The paper then focuses
upon the core English cites outside London that lie at the centre of the principal conurbations,
before discussing ‘jewel cities’, cities long known and celebrated for their historic character, with a
focus upon York. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the role of heritage in different
types of settlement and trajectories for the future.


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How to Cite

Pendlebury, J., & Miciukiewicz, K. (2015). Metropolitan regions historic centres and cultural heritage. The UK case. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 47(184), 219–235. Retrieved from