Urban Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renewal Act 2013 (8/2013, Of 26 June)


  • Ángela De la Cruz Mera


Urban rehabilitation, urban regeneration, urban renovation, Act 8/2013


The article consists of a general analysis of the reforms addressed by the Urban
Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renewal Act 2013 (8/2013, of 26 June) affecting land and housing
policy as developed in practice in Spain over the last few decades. After a preliminary diagnosis in
the introduction, the article discusses the objectives sought by the Act and its main content, much
of which is then explored in more detail in the various papers that make up this thematic edition of
the journal Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales.



How to Cite

De la Cruz Mera, Ángela. (2014). Urban Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renewal Act 2013 (8/2013, Of 26 June). Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 46(179), 29–40. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/76285