Urban Policies and intermediary cities in polycentric metropolitan regions: the case of Madrid


  • Eloy Solis Trapero
  • Mayte Arnaiz Hernández
  • Inmaculada Mohino Sanz
  • Borja Ruiz-Apilanez
  • José M. De Ureña Francés


Políticas urbanas, ciudades intermedias, policentrismo, Región Funcional de Madrid


The article explores the evolution of urban policies in relation to three questions: political
agenda, driving scales —national, regional, local— and public/private character. The analysis
is undertaken on several Madrid urban polycentric system of intermediary cities classified as:
historic-administrative, historic-economic and metropolitan. The results show increasing
complexity in urban policies and their diversity according to the cities socio-economic paths
and geographic characteristics. Furthermore, urban policies in these cities show that: i) there
is a growing spatial selectivity of private investment, ii) they are deployed in a multi-scale
context without a clear common territorial project and iii) emerging strategic urban policies
driven bottom up.



How to Cite

Solis Trapero, E., Arnaiz Hernández, M., Mohino Sanz, I., Ruiz-Apilanez, B., & De Ureña Francés, J. M. (2013). Urban Policies and intermediary cities in polycentric metropolitan regions: the case of Madrid. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 45(176), 301–316. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/76203