Agglomerations/urban regions based on several centers: polycentrism


  • José M. De Ureña
  • Félix Pillet
  • Carlos Marmolejo


Policentrismo, regiones metropolitanas


The polycentric network system of cities, has been proposed since the end of the twentieth
century in Europe as a basis for its future development. The article considers “Polycentricity”
as more than the intuitive sense of the presence of several centers in a distributed system of
settlements, it must exist relevant interdependencies between those centers along with an
ability to influence their environment and autonomy from the main centers. The article reviews
the literature on detection methods of polycentricity, distinguishing between different trends,
the morphological and the functional, stopping at understanding and criticize them and
detecting what have been few attempts to study, using both methods simultaneously. It
explores the needs to consider, not only the population and residence-work flows as solely
indicators of polycentricity, and that our country has not been left out on discussing and
applying methods for its detection, it appears that in relation to the neighboring countries, has
made important contributions. Finally, the article summarizes the criteria / processes that are
leading to polycentricity and the forms it takes.



How to Cite

De Ureña, J. M., Pillet, F., & Marmolejo, C. (2013). Agglomerations/urban regions based on several centers: polycentrism. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 45(176), 249–266. Retrieved from