The Accessible Pedestrian Route: Structuring a Functional, Safe and Non-Discriminatory Mobility in Public Built Environments


  • Fernando Alonso López


Accesiblidad, espacios públicos, itinerarios peatonales, diseño urbano


After more than two decades of autonomic regulation on accessibility, the approval of the Order
VIV/561/2010, of February 1st —a technical document developing basic conditions regarding
accessibility and non-discrimination requirements for the access and use of urban public space—
establishes a new regulatory framework for accessibility within Spanish cities. What is most
outstanding about the Order is that not only unifies technical criteria previously regulated in
different ways by regional governments (comunidades autónomas), but it introduces a new concept
summarizing the main contents of accessibility that may have wide application and consequences
in future urban design: the Pedestrian Accessible Route (PAR). The PAR concentrates the benefits
of accessibility for the design of public spaces: functionality, security and non-discrimination
through the creation of a protected area for pedestrian use where all the conditions of accessibility
in pedestrian mobility are strictly guaranteed.
The paper defends the growing significance of accessibility as an element of urban transformation,
reviewing the existing scattered legislation and reveals the characteristics of the PAR, its importance
and scope in a context of aging and greater functional diversity of the population.



How to Cite

Alonso López, F. (2013). The Accessible Pedestrian Route: Structuring a Functional, Safe and Non-Discriminatory Mobility in Public Built Environments. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 45(175), 27–43. Retrieved from


