Medium Scale Planning as the Spanish Mainline Norm: a Proposal for Organizing Planning Figures Afresh


  • Enrique Bardají


Planeamiento urbanístico, España


The Author affi rms that as there already exists a vast body of doctrine as to planning’s technical
characteristics, the reach of fi xed limits, administration, types of development within Spanish C&T
Planning. Little that he could add, even in a monographic edition of this magazine given over to
Prof: Fernando Terán could match the innovative skills and talent for research that so marked that
worthy’s academic and professional contribution to his fi eld. However, in all modesty, the author
does venture some few suggestions as to those changes that he feels to be necessary for the future
health of Spanish planning, changes that would make the medium scale the best reference for C&T
planning, suggestions that he also feels would have met with Fernando Terán’s approval.



How to Cite

Bardají, E. (2011). Medium Scale Planning as the Spanish Mainline Norm: a Proposal for Organizing Planning Figures Afresh. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 43(169-0), 579–585. Retrieved from