On-going Urban Prospective Growth Simulation Instruments


  • F. Aguilera Benavente
  • M. Gómez Delgado
  • C. C. Cantergiani


Modelos de simulación prospectivos, crecimiento urbano, autómatas celulares, técnicas de evaluación multicriterio


This paper argues for urban growth simulation models as useful tools in the planning process as
they offer a prospective simulation of future scenarios. The paper thus explores the different
models already available and their suitability for the urban growth simulations, focusing on Cellular
Automata and Agent Based Models for explorative simulations and the Multi-Criteria Evaluation
methods for normative simulations.



How to Cite

Aguilera Benavente, F., Gómez Delgado, M., & Cantergiani, C. C. (2010). On-going Urban Prospective Growth Simulation Instruments. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 42(165-6), 481–495. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/76012