Industrialize Housing here and now!


  • Julián Salas


Vivienda, industrialización, innovación tecnológica, sostenibilidad, tipos de viviendas, programas de investigación


The paper investigates and urges as an answer to the present day crisis demand for socially viable housing
an intensive use of industrialized building based upon mass produced elements, components and sub-systems
drawn from a variety of sources. In favour of this proposal he lays out the actual failings of the housing
building sector with its average two labour initiatives p.a., 80% per cent man hours on site and accident
rates running to 254,746 p.a., 306 of these being mortal, a residue rate of 30 tons per housing unit and 30
man hours for each m2 built.
Against this the author suggests a non-utopian industrialization of the greatest number of elements and
components possible as this would cut back on the time taken to put up buildings, the number of man hours
needed to do so on site, the accident rate and the amount of building waste produced there.
The paper offers a description of a number of initiatives in this direction already underway as practical
demonstrations in favour of his arguments.



How to Cite

Salas, J. (2009). Industrialize Housing here and now!. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 41(161-2), 629–643. Retrieved from