The Territorial and Social Organizing of the “COREDES” in Brazil as Structures Guaranteeing Territorial Governance


  • Valdir Roque Dallabrida


Gobernanza territorial, desarrollo territorial, COREDES, territorio, Brasil


The author sees the territorial and social organizing along with valid governance-permitting structures as
being essential to the putting into effect of innovating paths towards development. In the paper the
“COREDES” —and along with them the “COMUDES” of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil are offered for consideration
as social power structures up to a offering a more adequate regional structuring in consonance with local
possibilities along with agreed upon alternatives as between the various parties involved in such initiatives
within the region, be these private or public. Being so, they represent for the author a promise for achieving
regional agreement and, with it, social cohesion. The paper also puts forward further grounds for discussion
by raising questions that could become the material for new research.



How to Cite

Dallabrida, V. R. (2009). The Territorial and Social Organizing of the “COREDES” in Brazil as Structures Guaranteeing Territorial Governance. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 41(159), 117–132. Retrieved from


